Sugar-Free Gum Can Protect Your Teeth

There are many ways you can protect your oral health and reduce the risk of cavities that threaten your smile. Our dentist, Dr. Christopher M. Spelman at Orlando Family Dentistry, LLC in Hopewell, New Jersey, is happy to share some tips about how sugar-free gum can protect your teeth and help preserve your oral health. Here are the ways sugar-free... read more »

Saliva Substitutes for Chronic Dry Mouth

Chronic dry mouth can be a side effect of a medication, an overabundance of tobacco or alcohol, a disease, chemotherapy or many other causes. The effects of this condition can be rather harsh on your oral health. It can result in cavities, mouth infections, halitosis and even gum disease. If you not able to permanently eradicate your dry mouth by... read more »

What Are Some Foods That Support Gum Health?

Your gums thrive when you treat them with the care and attention they deserve. Taking the time every day to brush and floss them will help keep them strong so they can continue providing support for your teeth, prevent bone material from deteriorating, and fight off the oral bacteria that creates dreaded gum disease. Today we are going to look... read more »

Chewing Gum Helps Your Teeth

Your teeth have treated you well; why not treat them back? There is a great way to make sure your teeth stay clean all day long, instead of waiting for your evening brush. Chewing gum! Studies have shown that chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after meals can help prevent cavities. This occurs because the gum stimulates saliva production in... read more »

Your Tooth IQ

Are you wiser than your wisdom teeth? Check out your dental knowledge with the quiz below. Sugar causes tooth decay. Plaque acid causes tooth decay, though plaque does produce this acid using sugar. Fluoride occurs naturally in water. Fluoride is a mineral which has varying levels in natural water supplies. We add more fluoride to most public water systems to... read more »